The Path of a Child in Life
The path of a child can take many routes. One of the big questions of life – which path to take! The following contribution regarding the path of a child in life was made by Bob and Elain Cortner, Author Unknown. The title, “The Path of a Child,” was added for this publication of the below contribution. Influence on the path of a child starts early.
A Child…
If a child lives with criticism, he learns to condemn.
If a child lives with hostility, he learns to fight.
If a child lives with ridicule, he learns to be shy.
If a child lives with shame, he learns to feel guilty.
If a child lives tolerance, he learns to be patient.
If a child lives with encouragement, he learns
to be confident.
If a child lives with praise, he learns to appreciate.
If a child lives with fairness, he learns justice.
If a child lives with security, he learns to have faith.
If a child lives with approval, he learns to like himself.
If a child lives with acceptance and friendship,
he learns to find love in the world.
Children’s Links:
Internet Public Library Story Hour
Teach Them to Teach Themselves
Child Welfare League of America
The Story of Life